Flexible payments on your terms
Shop now, pay later with easy approval.
Say goodbye to endless payments
Don’t make payments for all eternity. You have the power to pay off your purchases at your own pace without being stuck in a never-ending cycle.
No need to re-apply. Use and build your credit!
Use your credit again and again without re-applying! Gain access to more credit over time for larger purchases.

The Pace Flex Advantage
For Shoppers:
- The power to buy and pay at your own pace.
- No complicated contracts.
- No never-ending loop of payments.
- No outrageous interest fees.
- Secure and easy to use dashboard.
- Get approval with no impact to your credit!
For Business:
- Attract more sales by offering flexible payments.
- Ditch costly credit card processing fees.
- Fast payment- no waiting on mailed checks.
- Easy plugin for seamless web integration.
- Handle returns with ease.
- Dedicated customer support, so you can focus on what you do best!